Communication, trust, and leadership

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The Rustle Up! – 01 – Communication, trust, and leadership
Rustle & Spark

There’s a chance that your communication style could be undermining your leadership.

That's because every communication from a person in a position of leadership implicitly says “this is important, you should pay attention.”

Most of the time, our brains are filtering out stimuli.  Not just now, with email and iWatches and phones and things beeping and bonging all around us, but even 100,000 years ago. If you're an early human walking through the forest, your brain is mostly filtering out the clouds, the fluttering of the leaves, the chirping birds, but will pay close attention to the low growl coming out of the bushes.

So any communication coming from a person in a position of leadership means there's something important from someone who with influence over my life.

Maybe direct influence like a boss—or, if I'm the boss, the board or the customer base.  Or perhaps influence over another sphere of my life, like the principal at my kids' school.

If I get a one-to-one communication from a leader, I'm going to be paying attention.  For example, from the principal: “I'd like to see you in my office about your daughter.”  Whoah, I'll be right there.

But a one-to-many communication is often easy to ignore.  That’s because if there's something really important in there, I'll probably.  hear about it from someone else.  If I don't, there was nothing important.

How could there be nothing important in a communication from leadership?

Unfortunately, a lot of leaders feel they need to communicate but aren't sure what to say, and they fall back on broad, general statements that don't have actionable content or information that's immediately relevant to one’s life.

“The fourth quarter is always a hard time so we should all buckle down…”

Or from the leader of a school: “As we head into springtime I want to remind everyone….”

Phrases like “I want to remind everyone,” or “keep in mind, bear in mind…” giveaways that there's a not a lot of useful information in the message.

The problem here is that if you've implied this is important, but it actually isn't, that undermines trust—which undermines leadership.  That’s because trust generally happens in pennies.  If I do something in your best interest over my own, that earns me a penny of trust.  If I do the opposite, it costs me ten pennies.  Trust is much easier to lose than to earn.

So what can we do about it?

Frankly, it's pretty simple: Keep it short, get to the point, be clear. Keep it short means, a short message, short sentences, short words.

And get to the point.

When I was a teenager, my dad told me that any time you need to have a difficult conversation, put the main point in the first sentence.

“I’m quitting two weeks from today.” Or, “Johnson, you're fired.”

After that you can get into how great it's been working together and I'm sure our paths will across again, etc.  But if you lead with all that, it’s easy to talk around the point so much that the other person doesn't even know they got fired or broken up with!

So put it in the first sentence, make it clear.

For example: “The merger is going to take longer than we thought. All of your shares will still vest.” There's no confusion there, and the more you get right to the point and keep things short and tight, the more trust you earn as a plain speaker.


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