Because they work.

Through millions of years of evolution, the human brain has evolved a highly efficient attentional system. Learn how it works and dramatically increase your persuasive abilities—in one inspiring, energizing session.


In this training, you and your team will learn how to…

  • earn transformative ROI

  • raise more money

  • improve corporate culture with one simple intervention

Nobel-prize winning research(1) shows that every decision we make is ultimately emotional. On top of that, we easily remember information that we can attach feelings to, and quickly forget that which doesn’t inspire feeling. Furthermore, introducing quantitative information prematurely actually prevents us from forming the emotional connection that makes messages stick.(2)

The universal problem

So much business communication fails to convince, persuade—or even be remembered—because it introduces the wrong information at the wrong time. Whether you’re in sales, recruiting, marketing, management, or investor relations, you need to get your message to break through—and stick.

There’s one way to do this effectively almost 100% of the time: tell a great story.

One powerful solution

No matter the medium, telling the perfect story captivates your audience, earns their trust, sticks over 600% better(3), and inspires them to take action.

Book a discovery call to learn how our energizing, research-backed story training can dramatically improve productivity and effectiveness for everyone in your group.

  • Marketing messages retained 13x better

  • Fundraising nets double

  • Better recruiting and retention

  • Easy—and effective—board engagement

  • Facilitate approval from regulators and stakeholders

  • Boost employee engagement

Book a discovery call today to level up your team!

Yes, I want to be more persuasive.


  • Keynote

  • Breakout session

  • Full training, workshop

You all were such professionals when you came in with the STORY workshops—that was so, so well done—so I trusted you.
— Kara Wiley, STEM Department Chair, White Mountain School
As a board, we needed to tell our story better... Rustle & Spark was interactive, knowledgeable, and energetic... we were better equipped to achieve our long-range plans.
— Lisa Curry, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, Community Preparatory School
Like others said, your seminar is the best that RI SCORE ever offered.
— Huiting Zhuang, Gawte


Our story-training workshop offers transformational benefits for:

  • Sales reps who want to turn leads into buyers

  • HR professionals who want a consistently, effortlessly brand-aligned culture

  • Executives who want to simplify management, increase sales and marketing effectiveness at no additional cost, and inspire employees

  1. Harvard Business Review, Decisions and Desire

  2. Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow

  3. Bower, Gordon H. Clark, Michal C, Narrative stories as mediators for serial learning