For effective marketing, be quick about it.

Photo: Shiro Hatori

Nobel prize-winning economists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman identified two main pathways in the brain: System 1 and System 2.

Those unassuming systems can transform your approach to marketing. In short, we get through most of our lives in a series of snap judgments that take milliseconds – that’s System 1.

System 2 is slow, deliberative, and rational. We only invest time and energy in that kind of thinking when something is both important and complex. It uses a lot of energy that the brain wants to save for emergencies, so we avoid it.

That’s why people ignore data-heavy marketing – it appeals to System 2. But System 1 interrupts and says, “That’s too much. We have other things to do.” And just like that, you’ve lost a potential customer’s attention.

Fortunately, there’s a way to bring these systems together. It starts with recognizing that marketing is a relationship. And like any human relationship, you need to pace things.

Start with the most interesting thing. If the prospect engages, give them another tidbit. If they come back for more, they are ready to receive all the data you care to share.

If you’d like expert guidance to take advantage of these forces, email Rustle & Spark today.


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Surprisium: the element of surprise